Latest News: WE HAVE MOVED!! We are now located in Argyle Morley United Reformed Church with effect from September 2024. It has been a busy and exciting start to the new term (and a little bit stressful!) but we are happily up and running and OPEN TO NEW REGISTRATIONS NOW!!

At St Joseph’s Pre-school we also engage in Forest School Sessions.
The concept of Forest Schools originated in Scandinavia but is now recognised worldwide as a valuable experience for all children from a very young age through to secondary school level.
Forest School sessions give children the opportunity and freedom to engage in and explore the natural environment, learn new skills, build self-confidence, self-esteem, and resilience, be creative, work with others or alone, follow their own interests, engage in managed risk taking, and extend their knowledge and expertise across all areas of the curriculum.
At St Joseph’s Pre-school, we aim to ensure that all children who attend the pre-school will get the opportunity to engage in Forest School sessions for at least one session each term whilst they are with us. We hope to extend and expand on these opportunities as we develop and grow our Forest School opportunities.
Our Forest School Sessions currently take place on one afternoon and one morning a week in Coombe Brook Valley, a local Nature Reserve just a short walk away from the Pre-school.
We welcome parents along to support our Forest School sessions! Not only do we need this support to help us walk the children safely down to the Forest School site but the children love to share their experience with parents and you never know - you might learn something new yourselves too!!